Favicon biomecraft.mchost.no Offline

Status Offline
IP Address biomecraft.mchost.no
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner BiomeCraft MinecraftServer
Votes 1
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://biomecraftmc.wordpress.c
Uptime 99%

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The BiomeCraft server is a survival server where you have to choose between the seopeople, the demons, the dwarfs or the elves. It's on version 1.14.4 so that we can use the new water mechanics, but we use the old combat mechanics plugin to make combat as similar as possible with 1.7/1.8. We are planning on adding more classes soon, so if you have any ideas, tell us! Suggest on our website. But basically the different classes have different powers, like f. eks. dwarfs have haste and night vision, demons can swim in lava but no water, and so on. Angels will be added very soon.
