Favicon play.quickfactions.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.quickfactions.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Dylan Potter
Votes 2
Country Canada CA
Uptime 99%

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[ play.quickfactions.com ] Quick Factions is a BRAND NEW 1.8.8 factions server, running FactionsUUID This means we are running classic, pre-mCore factions! I've spent many hours over the last year putting this server together, and I have over five years of experience in Minecraft server creation and management. We are BRAND NEW, so obviously I'm looking for staff members. I will NOT upload a staff application! I choose staff members based on how I see you interact with others in-game, because even low-ranking staff members have many permissions. Some NEW features of the server: - Custom enchantments - mcMMO - More crates - Token shop - New spawn Come check us out!
