Favicon mc.ascendsb.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.ascendsb.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Dillon
Votes 428
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.ascendsb.net/
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Ascend Skyblock! Embark on an extraordinary skybound adventure like never before at Ascend Skyblock – where the sky is the limit, and your creativity knows no bounds. Our server is meticulously crafted to provide an unparalleled Skyblock experience, offering a plethora of features to ensure you have the time of your life. Server IP: mc.ascendsb.net Website: ascendsb.net Store: store.ascendsb.net Features: Custom Islands: Dive into a world of possibilities with our unique and custom-designed islands. Each island is meticulously crafted to provide a distinct and immersive experience. Challenges and Quests: Engage in thrilling challenges and quests to earn epic rewards. Whether you're a seasoned skyblock veteran or a newcomer, there's always a challenge waiting for you. Economy: Our robust economy system ensures a dynamic and player-driven marketplace. Buy and sell items, create shops, and amass wealth as you climb to the top. Custom Enchantments: Elevate your gear with our exclusive custom enchantments. Unleash powerful abilities and dominate the skies with your enhanced arsenal. Community Events: Join in on regularly scheduled community events, where you can compete with fellow players or collaborate to overcome unique challenges. Prizes await those who prove themselves in these epic showdowns. Advanced Skyblock Features: Ascend Skyblock goes beyond the basics, offering advanced features like island upgrades, island levels, and more. Customize your island to stand out in the skyblock realm. Active Staff and Community: Our dedicated team of staff members is always ready to assist you. Join a thriving community of skyblock enthusiasts, share your experiences, and make lasting connections. Regular Updates: We are committed to keeping the experience fresh and exciting. Expect regular updates that bring new content, features, and improvements to keep you engaged. Join us at mc.ascendsb.net and start your Ascend Skyblock journey today! Connect with us on our website at ascendsb.net and explore the store at store.ascendsb.net for exclusive perks and items. Let the sky be your canvas, and may your adventure soar to new heights on Ascend Skyblock!
