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IP Address omgmc.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner OmgMC
Votes 45
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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I among many others love factions pvp and couldn't find a server thats not too massive and ahead in factions to play on. So we made our own, come check us out. If supporting and playing on a smaller server is something you're into then, you've come to the right place! If you join from this post give me a hollar and i will hook you up with somegoodies during your journey. ~~~ Who are we? The OmgMC Network is a small, but vastly growing Minecraft server network that provides its users with a variety of game styles and types in which targets a MATURE, yet DIVERSE community. From swords to picks, towers to houses and PVP to survival, both PVP Based and Faction based gamemodes make up the OmgMcNetwork. We understand the hassle to find the perfect server. Lucky enough, we strive to have the best gameplay to offer YOU and to all of our players. Our servers are completed with professional and fair staff who are highly experienced in Minecraft and will be able to help you in all aspects of the game. With a dedicated server, running 24/7 YOU can now join our community and play your own role in a welcoming community!
Fair-Play: We strive to be a user-based community by not boasting by play to win packages, just about everything can be purchased with In Game money and ways to attain ranks, ALL In-Game!
Release: Thanks to a team of AMAZING Beta testers, the server has been fully developed and ready to join! As of 5/1/2020 the server has gone public! Regardless, we encourage suggestions to better our server and steady growing community! We hope YOU can be apart of this opportunity to watch, dedicate, and become a top faction to soon gain awesome rewards, kits, and ranks!
