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Server Owner Dragon Born
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Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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a small community but we have quite a few active players on at different times. Server is over 2 months old. Don’t worry about feeling behind when starting, so do not let that feel discouraging. Small player base, but consistent players around the world. Trying to build up the player base :) We are welcoming to new players. If you use X-ray or cheats this will definitely be discovered and that is not welcomed. Age doesn’t matter, we keep the chat family friendly. We are online 24/7. Shopping area near spawn where we use diamonds as currency. Players can make their own shops and run them, but it isn’t mandatory to use any shops. server address* dragonborn.apexmc.co We do mostly vanilla with a few changes noted below: · Shulkers respawn in the end cities · Ender dragon drops Elytra, a dragon egg, and a dragon head every time it is killed · Mob Heads drop (in snapshots these are causing lag unfortunately if you put them in item frames) · You can re-dye most blocks that can be dyed. · Trees chop down with one block chopped at the bottom (sneak to not chop the whole tree) · Slabs can be crafted back into whole blocks · AFK using /trigger AFK · Show coords/Time in game/Direction facing without F3 using /trigger ch_toggle · Shulkers always drop 2 shells · If you wear full netherite fire / lava will not damage you · 1 Player sleep. All players do not have to be in a bed, only 1 · When you die you receive a private message of the co-ordinates of where you died.
