Favicon play.awesomecraft.cc Offline

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IP Address play.awesomecraft.cc
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Alec McQuarrie
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to AwesomeCraft! In this server we have a Vanilla Survival Server and a Towny Survival Server! Vanilla Survival: -Survival with no plugins, completely vanilla -Raid, team with other players, make bases, make history, and much more! -Only rules are no hacking, racism, and lagging the server will get you permanently banned Towny Survival: -Be the governor of your own town! -Have real players as your citizen! -Players can only be in one towny at a time, so you can either be a leader for the town or a worker! -Leaders can choose what permissions their citizens have for building -Citizens can choose jobs and make money -Leaders can tax the money that citizens get -Outside players can only raid you if your towny and their's are at war -Griefing is impossible unless you are at war with another towny, so build massive works of art with your towny! KitPVP: -Our KitPVP includes 5 maps -Custom kits to redeem with ranks -And more... We plan on adding more in the future, and we are still a young server (started in April of 2020), so we have a long way to come, and we would love your help and membership in our community! We have ranks for purchase that have special perks, and these ranks help support the server!
