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Status Offline
IP Address play.krypticrealms.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner KrypticRealms
Votes 41
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.krypticrealms.net/
Uptime 99%

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KrypticRealms is a Factions PvP server focusing primarily on providing a long-term player experience that is both enjoyable, and rewarding. In order to do this, we enroll a number of game enhancement plugins that fit near-perfectly into vanilla smp. On top of this, the server uses very powerful AntiCheat systems, and a top-notch Anti-Xray plugin to prevent those pesky hackers from ruining the fun. A few of the notable plugins we use to enhance your experience are below: - McMMO - FactionsUUID - Specialized Crates - Random Teleport - Kit GUI - Player auction houses! - Private vaults - Server /shop with infinite stock! - Automated rank system, just earn money + rank up! - WorldBorder (7500 x 7500 in all directions +-) All ranks on the server can be purchased from in-game currency. This currency is best grabbed up by simply voting for the server on a daily basis, and collecting your /rewards--which are awarded for time spent playing the game. This means we do not focus primarily on giving players a pay-to-win feeling game. While we accept donating to help us stay up and running, it is equally possible for anybody, regardless of their financial stability, to become the most powerful and dominant ranks on the server.
