Favicon thefarm.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address thefarm.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner TheFarm
Votes 0
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://thefarm.tebex.io/
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to TheFarm { Official Opening June 4th 2020! } What are we? We are the newest and most advanced farming economy server ! How do I play? Create the best farm you can! you have very little limits players are welcome to build massive redstone machines and use unlimited AFK BRAND NEW 1.15.2 { opening june 4th 2020 ) - Farming - McMMO - Jobs - Free Ranks - Crates - Rewards - Ranks TheFarm is a 1.15.2 peaceful server, dedicated to providing the best gameplay for our players. Rank up through the many in-game ranks by earning money through farming and jobs. These ranks provide you with perks and commands that will help you along your adventure! Create or join a farm to team up with fellow members and climb the leaderboards together. All feedback is greatly appreciated; ensuring TheFarm makes our players happy, our players happiness is our #1 Priority. We hope you enjoy your stay. Server IP: thefarm.apexmc.co Discord: https://discord.gg/24EGct2 Store: https://thefarm.tebex.io/ Some of our features but now all - Jobs, McMMO, Crates, Backpacks,Ranks AuctionHouse,=ShopGUI - Each plugin is customized and tailored to fit TheFarm's PlayStyle, with interactive menus and database Do you have to farm? Of course not! All players are welcome! What are you waiting for? Join TheFarm ! For a different type of Minecraft experience for all!
