Favicon mcecon.sickgaming.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mcecon.sickgaming.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner Duncan Clonts
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Come join today, build a shop, earn money for killing mobs and become the wealthiest on McEcon! IP: mcecon.sickgaming.net Benefits: - Friendly, welcoming community. 🙏 - We offer a moderated, no grief experience for all players and ages! 📚 - Active admins 👥 - PVE 🎆 - LandClaim 🏛️ - Player Shop (Economy) 💸 💰 - McMMO 🌎 - Pets 🐶🐱 - Auctions 👀🗣 - and more! 🌈 We look forward to seeing you on the server! What is McMMO?: - Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks! - Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting! - Unlock skills like Dodge, Roll, Catalysis, SkillShot, Daze, Retrieve, AxeMastery, CriticalHit, GreaterImpact, ArmorImpact, SkullSplitter, Fishing, FarmersDiet, GreenThumb, DoubleDrops, HylianLuck, ShroomThumb, DoubleDrops, BlastMining, RepairMastery, SuperRepair, ArcaneForging, AdvancedSalvage, ArcaneSalvage, FuelEfficiency, SecondSmelt, FluxMining, Bleed, Counter, SerratedStrikes, Gore, FastFood, ThickFur, HolyHound, ShockProof, SharpenedClaws, CallOfTheWild, Disarm, Deflect, IronGrip, IronArm, LeafBlower and DoubleDrops Discord: https://discord.gg/eQj8wyY Rules 1. No griefing 2. No cheating 3. No macros/automated scripts 4. Be respectful to other players 5. Keep the server appropriate 6. No player traps IP: mcecon.sickgaming.net
