Favicon mc.alloutsurvival.xyz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.alloutsurvival.xyz
Connection Port 25600
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Louis
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Looking for a **NON PAY 2 WIN** Mincraft server? `>`Well, AllOutSurvival has NO pay 2 win features! `>`We have free /fly /feed and /heal `>`We also give away an occasional rank to players that are active. `>`We have a trade based economy, diamonds are the currency! Trade your diamonds in for various items at /warp trades `>`We have a friendly community with staff to help your every need! `>`We have plenty of rewards for people to get diamonds (see ingame) `>`We are LGBTQ+ Friendly! ``Thank you for checking out AllOutSurvival! I hope you become a perminant resident :D`` IP: mc.alloutsurvival.xyz:25600 - must have the :25600 Discord: https://discord.gg/hjhFDMk

