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Connection Port 41478
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Category Factions
Server Owner Milo Momo
Votes 32
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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Are you bored of typical factions servers that have nothing unique? Well if yes we have a perfect solution for you! Join Hydrall Factions today to experience the most complete work of a team of experienced server creators, featuring an upcoming custom map with custom biomes!, MCMMO!, Professional Factions plugin, Player Vaults!, A professional anti-cheat plugin to keep the game safe and fair! and many more amazing plugins to make your stay at Hydrall a fun and full of experiences journey!, We also are recruiting the best and most helpful staff and if you would also like to apply to become staff you can join our discord server at https://discord.gg/hQg5NTK you can also join if you just want to hang out with other like-minded people :D, if this description of a server suits you come give us a visit and tell us what you think at HydrallFactions.mcpro.io see you soon!
