Favicon theosmp.ramshard.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address theosmp.ramshard.net
Connection Port 25615
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner theo
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website http://theosmp.tebex.io/
Uptime 99%

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Hello and welcome to TheoSMP! This is a SMP Server with a couple of plugins to improve the experience. We have plugins such as PlayerShops, PlayerCarry, Solosleep and Griefprevention. Griefprevention allows you to protect your creations from griefers, which is nice to have when playing on an offical minecraft server. PlayerShops allows you to create your own GUIShop, just by typing /ps in chat. Then a gui will come up on your screen where you can create your own shop by clicking the chest, where it says "Create your own Shop". Our main goal with this server is to create a nice community for people to join. Because it is always nice to meet new friends and have fun. Always remember "The community is everything." If you want to get information about the server, and maybe talk to the other players on the server you can do so, by joining our discord server. --> https://discord.gg/f4QuSkh
