Favicon mcevolution.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mcevolution.net
Connection Port 2577
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Bersam Bas
Votes 410
Country United States US
Servers Website https://mcevolution.net
Uptime 99%

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On the MCEvolution network, we have 4 gamemodes each with a unique twist. Join for a new and unique experience! * Dungeons is a fantasy RPG gamemode that sets you on a quest of heroism that progresses you through epic quests. Encounter bosses and new creatures along your journey. * Factions is a competitive pvp and raiding gamemode with a $800 factions top prize pool. Upgrade your faction to become the strongest through a custom upgrade system. * KitPvP is an endless gamemode where the PvP is fun. Unlock kits with diverse abilities like Roger's rifle, Mose's cannon, Milo's charge, Leena's gravity pistol, and much more. * Skyblock is a co-op survival gamemode with your island being one block. Discover new environments on your island after breaking a certain amount of blocks.

