Favicon endcrystal.me Online

Status Online
IP Address endcrystal.me
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category PvP
Server Owner epearl
Votes 27
Country United States US
Online Players 3
Maximum Online Players 250
MOTD Endcrystal.me - 1.19 anarchy fit has never played here
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.20.2
Ping 19ms
Uptime 99%

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endcrystal.me is a brand new 1.12.2 anarchy server with no rules, no queue, and high performance. - Average 15-20 TPS - 10 render distance - Hacked clients are encouraged - Griefing is allowed - All major hacks are enabled. - Unrestricted use of elytra+ - Unrestricted use of entity speed - Donkey duping is unpatched - Forwards compatibility. Join with any client 1.12.2 -> 1.15.2 - Worldborder of 30 Million - Real anarchy, no bans, no commands, and no donator ranks. - Discord server that is regularly updated with essential information and patch updates. The server is very active and averages 15-30 players all the time. The owner of this server is a famous anarchy livestreamer and often does content on the server.

