Favicon play.totalfreedom.me Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.totalfreedom.me
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Daniel Cook
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Total Freedom is a server that sets itself apart from the others because of one thing: Free OP. That's right, on this server you can obtain operator status. The server has a core plugin that is specially made for the server, which implements restrictions necessary to provide everyone with a great experience. We have a dedicated staff team to make sure your experience is a fun one. You can utilize plugins to make overpowered weapons, create beautiful constructions, and have a well-rounded good time. TotalFreedom has been online since November of 2010! This makes us one of the oldest running Minecraft servers to this very day, even older than some other servers such as 2b2t. What are you waiting for? Come on down and enjoy your stay!

