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Status Online
IP Address play.pokeclash.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Vincent Orlando
Votes 695
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.pokeclash.com/
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 200
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Ping 15ms
Uptime 99%

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We would like to thank those who have stuck with us and welcome the new ones who will join! The server is far from perfected and we have more plugins we plan to add down the line, but if you see any bugs, report them to a staff member! Some of the new things we added are
  • PokeBuilder (customize your Pokemon's attributes)
  • BackPacks (collect and store stuff on the move!)
  • Always up to date
  • Weekly updates
  • PokeParticles (gain items which hold auras, used to give Pokemon cool looking particles!)
  • PixelmonMcMMO (level various pixelmon skills and gain boosts!)
  • PokeLures (use a lure and have various pokes from command to legendary spawn around you!)
  • PokeHunt (use /hunt to check out which pokemon to catch and earn rewards!)
  • PokeDex Completion Rewards (complete the pokdex and earn rewards every 10% completed!)
  • Level System (earn EXP from doing various pixelmon related activities on the server. Each level gained rewards you with a key!)
  • Newer Server! (that means a fresh start, and a chance to build a tight night community!)
  • Global Trade Station (sell and buy pokemon to and from other players)
  • DayCare (deposit Pokemon into the daycare just like in the games watch them gain levels and breed!)
  • GYMS (ultra competitive gyms with a different tactical A.I to give you a challenge!)
  • So you want a newer server to play on, a fresh start and a chance to have fun not locked behind a pay wall?! Well, what are you waiting for? JOIN TODAY.
