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Status Offline
IP Address oceanv-mc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner CaptainSweetPie
Votes 80
Country United States US
Servers Website http://oceanv-mc.com
Uptime 99%

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[1.16.1] [Survival] [PvP/PvE] [Claim] [MCMMO] [Crates] [ChestShop] The OceanV minecraft server is a survival server with pvp enabled. You can go out in the wild, claim your land and start building your house safely. Our server gives the classic survival feel that has been lost by many other survival servers, as they are drained in plugins to make them look fun and complicated. The server has balanced optimized plugins, simple to understand in order to give the player a relaxed gameplay session or a pvp-based challenging gameplay. The server has a simple, classic, yet beautiful spawn area with lots of places to explore and spend time having fun with the different activities that can be found in the area. The PvP Arena is nicely built, with lots of cover, parkour challenges, towers and defense points, and even a secret OP Shop.
