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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Liam McCullough
Votes 3
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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This Server is 1.16.1 This server is as close to vanilla as it can get without it being boring. Staff have a very hands off approach we add what the people want and they can do what they want this them. This is not a 100% Vanilla server it does have plugins! This server is very community driven! We ask the community of the server about anything added or changed about the server to get their opinion. The community is always kept up to date with the happenings of the server that is on the discord or in the server itself. The staff are very hands off but engage with the community a lot. and the staff are easy to get a hold of! - Community City - Player Made Chest Shops - Player Set Econ - - Play with friends - Vanilla+ - Hard - Default chat look - Staff very hands off - There is no stupid hub where you pick what you want to do. You spawn in a survival world and that's it. The mods we do have are meant to improve the survival experience and make the game more fun in the long run: - Online sleeping improvements - Claiming optional (PVP and RAID are allowed on this server!) - Friends and party system - Econ (See bellow) Servers economy is based on diamonds and is all player based! All diamonds are worth $1 and can be sold at spawn other then that you can sell and buy stuff to/from other players using chest shops that players can create. Feel free to join the discord to ask any questions - discord.io/PenguinMC There is voting for the server to get rewards to help grow the community. Make sure to join the server before voting
