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Server Owner Michael Kreidell
Votes 3
Country United States US
Servers Website http://www.mishapsandmisfits.xyz
Uptime 99%

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Hey there! We're a new server looking for players to grow our server! We're still working on the last few things for the server, but everything is functional! We've got something for everyone if you're interested in factions! If you want to have a peaceful faction where you just build with your friends, we have that! Do you love pvp and hunting down people? perfectly fine! Do you like blowing up bases? We made it so you can blow up obsidian too! We have turrets available in our in game shop to defend your base with, a lottery system to potentially gain a bunch of money, and FREE ranks! We pride ourselves with having everything that is practical available for free (except some cosmetic stuff), but if you want a custom rank or to be able to talk in color (among other cosmetic things), our store will be up and running soon for you to purchase those things.
