Favicon mc.raidcow.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.raidcow.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner RaidCow
Votes 17
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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The server focuses more on the survival aspect of the game, though economy and raiding contribute quite a bit. Since you can't claim land, griefing is a pretty big part of the game, so make sure you really hide your base! There's another option if you consider yourself brave enough to rule a faction. Yes! Becoming a faction leader allows you to claim land, but wait! - it's not that easy, You can't just make a faction out of the blue, you need cash for that! Which brings us to the economy of the server. The economy is certainly a bit harsh, but you can use in-game stores, auctions and trading to make some quick cash. RaidCow represents a server that was running in 2012 and went by the name of, well, RaidCow PvP. if you haven't noticed, we have a very similar name. Our server is also very similar to the original, the faction and raiding features work pretty much the same and we heavilly focus on the vanilla survival experience. While playing on RaidCowPvP, you will notice that it feels quite a bit like a stripped down version of your average survival server and it should, because the server does try to maintain that vanilla perception. So if you're looking for streamlined minecraft survival gameplay with a few interesting twists, try this server out! Our Discord link! - https://discord.gg/t5AprB3

