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Status Offline
IP Address play.hadesprison.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner jaliprantis
Votes 2
Country United States US
Servers Website https://buy.hadesprison.com
Uptime 99%

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IP: play.HadesPrison.com For those Interested in a brand new type of way to play on Minecraft servers, we are creating a brand new OP Prison. This prison will include(in development) up to 200 different ranks, custom enchantments, PvP, custom personal housing plots, pick upgrades, custom gangs, Gods, crates, player vaults, gambling, trading and more with a twist...                     Features: + Custom Pickaxe and Tool Enchants + Custom player Gangs + Over 200+ different ranks + Personal player housing plots + Crate keys that allow random player rewards + PlayTime rewards + Player Vaults + Gambling Bar + God Sacrifices This server is still currently in development and needs players, staff and other admins to help construct it. If you would like to join the server and contribute or help out, anything is appreciated. Feel free to add me on Discord or Join The Discord Server: Discord: NightRiider#4971 Join The Server: ο»Ώhttps://discord.io/HadesPrison

