Favicon play.tormentmc.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.tormentmc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner krisu
Votes 0
Country Finland FI
Servers Website https://www.tormentmc.com/
Uptime 99%

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To register use: /register ''Yourpassword'' and to login use /login ''Yourpassword'' Survival, PVP, Shops. Survival server! Semi Vanilla! PVP is ON all over the world! not on spawn. You can be safe on your own land. You have to claim it first! Griefing is allowed on non protected areas so keep your land safe! Our deal is that we listen to our community on every update and make votes about updates. What to add on the server and what changes to make. These votes happen on our discord server. So you can have effect on our servers future!
