Favicon novacraftmc.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address novacraftmc.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category PvP
Server Owner Blue
Votes 48
Country United States US
Servers Website https://novacraftmcs.enjin.com/
Uptime 99%

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This is NovacraftMC; this is a place with plenty to loot from mysterious dungeons to the wealth of other cities. Focusing on player based economies, progressive challenges, and a plethora of gameplay styles we aim to give everyone something they would enjoy! To get around we offer vehicles and aircraft to get around end explore the vast expanses about. Why not check us out and see everything else we have to offer! Rules: Follow the golden rule! You may use explosives, tanks, and aircrafts to break into bases... unless it is obsidian please do not destroy people's buildings by hand or truely grief their buildings. Core features/plugins: - Towny - Mcmmo - Playershops - Custom enchants - Vehicles - Elitemobs - Sliefun - Craftbook - Dungeons - Jobs - Pets - PvP manager - Bounties
