Favicon eltrea.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address eltrea.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Eltrea
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://www.eltreamc.com
Uptime 99%

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A fun little community server where we aim to share our love for survival! We're brand new, join us today! No one wants to read a wall of text about anything, so here's a list of reasons for why you should consider Eltrea to be your next survival home! ↠ Custom built spawn (by me and my team!) ↠ Beautiful custom world and /resource world ↠ No lag and stable performance ↠ Server and player-run economy ↠ Intuitive /towns system ↠ Vote and Event crates (no pay-to-win nonsense!) ↠ Crate armour sets and custom enchantments ↠ Land claims and claimblocks ↠ Custom /rankup system (with in-game money!) ↠ RandomTeleportation (/rtp) ↠ The staple /home's, /back and /warp's ↠ Player vault storage (/pv) ... the list goes on!
