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IP Address play.mysticchicken.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Maleah
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.mysticchicken.com/
Online Players 1
Maximum Online Players 100
Server Version Paper 1.21.4
Ping 2ms
Uptime 100%

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EULA- compliant server that is not "Pay to win." We strive to provide the best community atmosphere possible, with our community chat and frequent server events! We understand how much time and effort you put into your builds and how devastating if something happens to them. With our anti-grief plugins any grief or raiding will be undone and PvP is disabled! Alongside that, chests, doors and horses are automatically protected. Here at Mystic Chicken we ensure our staff members know exactly what they are doing, and have knowledgeable experience of our server. You will rank up in accordance to your time played, power levels (MCMMO) and voting All of our staff are fair, consistent, friendly and responsible at all times. You can ask any staff member for help anytime. Mystic Chicken does not tolerate any form of staff abuse or ignorance towards players. That said, items are not spawned in and all of our staff (Including admins) play in survival. Ranks: Eggling > Hatchling : 10h playtime, 100 mcmmo powerlevel Hatchling > Nestling: 3 days playtime, 25 votes, 100 woodcutting and mining, level 10 in experience, and be in the nether when all the other tasks are done Nestling > Fledgling: 6d playtime, 100 votes, 100 archery and swords and level 30 Fledgling > Sterling: 15d playtime, 250 votes and level 30 Survival Rank Perks Eggling: Basic command permissions, 2 sethomes Hatchling: 5 sethomes, /back, nickname, /hat, ability to start a /party Nestling: 7 homes, gate creations, /workbench, coloured nickname, sign copy/paste/edit Fledgling: 10 homes, /enderchest, 1 public warp, lift signs, enjin tag, add/edit wiki pages Sterling: 15 homes, /me, /stack, xp bottling, ground item placements Special Ranks Voter: Temporary rank, gained by being top or second-top voter of the month. Special perks are /fly command as well as perks from the rest of the ranks.

