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Status Offline
IP Address machinet.me
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Shanster93
Votes 273
Country Australia AU
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Machinet! NOTE: If you are having issues with joining the server ie. "failed to verify username" Mojang has recommend everyone to log out completely and log back into their accounts as that might be the issue, thank you A newly-fledged Australian server aspiring to create a fun and supportive environment for Minecraft players to immerse in, Machinet.me is vanilla - loaded with extra enhancements to the world, namely : 1. mcMMO- This plug-in injects an RPG-esque flavor to Minecraft with a skill system that players are able to level up depending on how much a certain action is performed or how often a tool is used, eventually unlocking better perks (improved drops, ability enhancement, etc) 2. Custom Ranks- Players start off as Newbies and can level up chronologically to Amateur, Pro, Veteran, and Legend. After meeting the minimum required in-game currency, voting casts, and mcMMO experience power bars, players will be able to unlock additional Home slots, gain access to command shortcuts such as '/ender' or '/craft', and be given crate key rewards in addition to obtaining that coveted rank tag to the username 3. Player Market- (Soon to be Added) Machinet promotes an interactive server economy by allowing its players to make their own buy/sell options, encouraging players to build more productive farms to sell their produce or simply profit off of excess items or gear they want disposed Our builders have designed custom DUNGEONS set in different unique themes with awesome loot scattered throughout for players to uncover as a team or go through as a solo quest with no fear of losing any precious goodies and gear upon death - because they are all equipped with an 'inventory protect' command for maximum enjoyment! Machinet also provides multiple arenas dedicated to PVP FIGHTS for players to duel it out for supremacy (or simply have fun whacking each other - we're into that, too). Machinet is run by a small team of Minecraft enthusiasts who are constantly seeking to improve the server as it grows organically and would love to have you join us to expand our world. Hit us up on our Discord for any more questions or just join us for a chat with the rest of our community : discord.gg/7YJtFax

