Favicon play.voidnation.org Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.voidnation.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner jay j
Votes 0
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://discordapp.com/invite/x6
Uptime 99%

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VoidNation Hello and welcome to VoidNation, this is a server based on Oldschool Factions. if you used to play factions back in the day then VoidNation might be right for you, or maybe you never knew what Factions used to be like. Server ip: play.voidnation.org Get The Supporter Rank Today! To earn the ability to use /kit supporter, set 2 homes, silk touch spawners and have the [Supporter] prefix, simply post your username in reply to this thread using the format... IGN:Notch Of course put YOUR username instead of Notch. You MUST follow this format! ✦ Info ✦ ► Access chests in enemy territories ► 1.8 PVP mechanics ► TNT or CreeperEggs will break obsidian in 5 hits ► Great Community ► Donate for exclusive kits/perks ► Envoys ► Crates ✦ Plugins ✦ ► Factions ► Wild ► VotingPlugin ► Auctions ► Crates ► Envoy
