Favicon mccvs.mc.gg Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mccvs.mc.gg
Connection Port 15351
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner MCCVS
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Almost anything is allowed on the server. Create groups, raid, and fight for control over land.
- There are kits (to help people to get back on their feet)
- The server is usually on 24/7
- There is nothing that is purchasable that gives players an unfair advantage
- PvP and griefing is allowed
- No resets ever
- Please feel free to ask admins any questions you may have in the Discord server
- Fair events that give players a chance to get free items
- We love feedback, it helps improve our server (send feedback in the Discord server)
- Suggestions will be added when 2/3 of the players agree
- The server is updated as soon as a new Minecraft version comes out
- Location: California
- Difficulty: Normal
- Cheating will not be tolerated whatsoever
- Bugs will appear and could make dupes which is perfectly fine
- Please refrain from taking things outside of the game
- Be respectful to others
- Do not build offensive structures
- Excessive spam is bannable
- Do not advertise on our server Notify admins if you see anyone breaking these rules
Join the Discord for the main rules at https://discord.gg/D78Uxrn
