Favicon mc.noodleland.pw Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.noodleland.pw
Connection Port 0
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner Unclesom
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Noodleland is the ultimate SMP experience you are looking for! IP: mc.Noodleland.pw Just a snippet of some of our amazing features: - All players get one home - Rank up to get more homes, and better vote rewards - Auction house - Player shops - Jobs - Stairs as chairs - Multiplayer supported sleeping - McMMO Noodleland is a super chill SMP server where you can meet some amazing people. Build contests, and fun events are held once a month so you get show off your skills! Our server economy is very well manged as we boast a large player-based economy. Noodleland, where friends are made.

