Favicon mineqraft.qub1.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mineqraft.qub1.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Qub1
Votes 43
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website https://mineqraft.qub1.com
Uptime 99%

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MineQraft is a semi-vanilla anarchy server open to both Bedrock and Java edition players. When it comes to anti-cheat and exploit patches, the goal of the server is to offer an experience that is as close to vanilla gameplay (including all the glorious exploits such as dupes) as possible while providing some balance to keep things from being too OP and to keep the server from lagging. That means that most exploits will work, or at most have some minor restrictions to balance things out. If there’s an exploit that works in vanilla but does not seem to work on the server it was probably patched by the server software we use. If that’s the case, send one of the admins a message and we’ll disable the patch if possible.
