Favicon br.trinity-mc.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address br.trinity-mc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner CaptainSweetPie
Votes 24
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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The server of Trinity MC hosts an unrestricted survival realm with a custom RPG element served with it. Explore the dungeons that are custom designed from us and work with others to conquer through them as well as completing quests alongside them to obtain money. Level up by obtaining money to explore higher level dungeons by selecting a job. The realm has no limits meaning you may pvp and grief as much as you want outside of claimed land. The further out you explore the more difficult mobs get, with more rewarding drops. Create guilds later on in your quest to show your dominance in the realm and work together to craft the ultimate... well, that's for you to decipher. Join today to explore all the new and intriguing custom items/recipes and all the rest there is!
