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Status Online
IP Address 1moreblock.com
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner mrfloris
Votes 1
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website https://www.1moreblock.com/
Online Players 3
Maximum Online Players 24
Server Version Paper 1.20.4
Ping 202ms
Uptime 99%

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We at 1MB are a 12+ old family-friendly survival server for all people who love Minecraft and want to hang out with cool players from many countries. On 1MoreBlock.com (1MB) we play fair, avoid grief, and don't cheat. We love survival, building, playing games, and leveling Jobs and mcMMO stats. The main worlds never get deleted or reset! Toxic, bad-mouthed, and cheating players are not welcome. Come join us today and enjoy the fun!

