Favicon play.astrocrafters.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.astrocrafters.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner CodeRida
Votes 790
Country Germany DE
Servers Website https://forums.astrocrafters.com
Uptime 99%

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  AstroCrafters Minecraft Server

ᐅ Discord: http://discord.astrocrafters.com/
ᐅ Server IP: play.astrocrafters.com
ᐅ Website: https://forums.astrocrafters.com/
ᐅ Store: https://store.astrocrafters.com/
ᐅ Main Version: 1.16.3 Minecraft Java PC
ᐅ Supported Versions: 1.7 - 1.16.3 Minecraft Java PC


â–º Friendly Staff and Players
â–º Discord Server chat linked

â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”… SURVIVAL â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…â”…

â–º Hard Difficulty
â–º Custom Claiming System
â–º Balanced eco and kits
â–º Random TP (/wild or /rtp)
â–º Balanced eco & crates
â–º Donor ranks buyable through in game money!


â–º Disguises!
â–º Add friends as builders to your plot!
â–º Random plot claiming /p auto
â–º Vote for WorldEdit access crate keys


â–º Balanced eco & crates
â–º Island fly!
â–º Normal, End and Nether islands available!
â–º Tree twerking
â–º Greenhouses
â–º Hopper Chests
â–º Custom Cobble Generator
â–º Donor ranks buyable through in game money!


â–º Hard Difficulty
â–º Basic survival
â–º Semi Vanilla
â–º Events

