Favicon anarchish.mcs.cx Offline

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IP Address anarchish.mcs.cx
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Vowes US
Votes 5
Country United States US
Servers Website https://anarchus.tebex.io/
Uptime 99%

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Hi, My name is Vowes, I am a Staff Member on the server Anarchish and we are looking to expand our server and bring in new players, Anarchish is a 1.16.3 Vanilla Custom Anarchy server with Custom Mobs, Armor, Weapons, and Many other items, Hacking IS allowed BUT only Visual hacks like X-Ray, So please if you are interested read this short description of our server! (Server IP, Discord, And Website are listed below) Anarchus is a very unique server that prioritizes player experience. We have many unique features including but not limited to: OP custom items, a protected spawn, no claims, and custom mobs as well. Our OP custom items include many sets of armor, swords, bows and even potions with multiple, abnormally strong effects. You can learn more about these custom items by joining the server and visiting our library travel point via /tr library. These items are very effective for combat of course, but are also very versatile for dealing with mobs, many of which are extra strong on our server. We have very little rules which can be found in game by running the command /rules. Our custom mobs are buffed: wither skeletons, witches, the ender dragon, and withers are all much stronger and may summon other mobs. They all drop custom items and lots of money. Other vanilla mobs have difficulty and health that scales as you travel further from the spawn. For your personal gain we are allowing a limited time offer to new players: If you vote, you get the first donor rank, completely free! Anarchus also has a custom referral system where if you bring enough players to our server you will be able to rank up after 10 referrals, meaning you can get the second donor rank, Free (it is much more substantial than the first). Anarchus also has new custom events coming up including our 2020 Halloween event and in time our Christmas 2020 event. With these events you can gain special limited time gear which can only be gained during the event, and never again! Event gear offers unique abilities and spells, and are also marked under the seasonal event they were from. We hope to see you online!
