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Server Owner Paolo Reyes
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Country United States US
Servers Website
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Paololz’s Earth MC server! This server runs a 1:1000 scale of the Earth provided by earth.motfe.net. Our server has players from all around the world working together to build and create wonders. Unlike other Minecraft Earth MC servers, this server strives to challenge its players with increased difficulty and the added obstacles that come alongside governing and transportation. We do not have plugins that allow quick transportation around the world. This is so players must consider their every movement and be prepared in their travels. This also makes taking control of strategic waterways and access routes necessary for trade and war. Just like real life, diplomacy between nations may fail and military conflict may arise. This is when alliances between nations, well-trained armies, and stockpiles of supplies become absolutely crucial. Most of all, the server provides players with a fun and entertaining simulation of real life human geography mixed in with the fantasy elements provided by vanilla Minecraft. Start a religion, make your own country, or maybe even sell goods to the global market! The choice is up to you. Join our server today! Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/WMpMXVj Check out our Dynmap at
