Favicon Animehaven.aternos.me Online

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IP Address Animehaven.aternos.me
Connection Port 9898
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner atsuko
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
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Server Version
Ping 96ms
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to this Aternos hosted server called AnimeHaven. Awhile back quite a few years ago I had a server named IlluminaAnime it was a anime type server and much like this one is going to be the same. This server is 24/7 If someone is on it and playing actively. If not it shuts down because the server has a timer for some reason. The goal for this server is to be a safe place for those who dont want to be judged + Me the owner im a transgender female. So if there are any other transgender people out there who decide to come check my server just know you are welcome to play. The server is still in development + I still have staff ranks to do. So please come and join me have a good time here. If I find you are disrespectful and act really stupid then you will be temp banned or muted. More images of the server will be added when more stuff is made. No Webpage as of now. You'res faithfully the owner Atsukohirota aka deathlyangel2
