Favicon skygens.us.to Offline

Status Offline
IP Address skygens.us.to
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Albert Auer
Votes 2
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://discord.gg/2wSEcb4
Uptime 99%

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Skygens is a unique game type, with some inspiration from Hypixel Skyblock. In Skygens, you start out in the sky, and quickly get generators from the merchant and start a base in the player-based map. With an extremely large worldborder, you can make a base as far as you want. When you progress far enough, you can do /warp dungeons where you fight mob, and collect specific items for fighting each mob. Some of the commands are /warp dungeons, /sethome, /home and /spawn Enjoy your time on Skygens and remember to Vote for free in-game currency!
