Favicon play.flowmc.org Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.flowmc.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner FlowMC
Votes 846
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Flow MC! We’re a fresh, totally new innovative Towny server with a wide variety of features to offer. Our sole purpose is to provide a unique, fun, and action-filled experience. We’re economy-based, featuring 100+ unique and fun plugins, such as Greek-like powers, a balanced economy, and many in-game ranks. We are also a non-P2W server, meaning you don’t need to spend a dime to reach last rank! We offer 10 different crates. We even offer a possibility to earn a free donor rank through our crates! We have a great community and a welcoming environment. We have active staff, including the owners. We do holiday drops, even on minor holidays! Sometimes we even do random party drops. We also have an active discord server with consistent announcements and updates. You can report any bugs and problems there. We hope you enjoy our server! Stick around for more in the future.
