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Status Offline
IP Address witherland.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Joseph Sheets
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Our server is a 1.14.4 Factions server with an average of 6 players co-currently through-out the day with fun tensions between players. Raiding works by power, Each player in a faction increases the power by 15 (up to 150) each time you die your faction loses 10 power, if you get to 0 or below your faction is "vulnerable" meaning all your claims won't protect your land. Power regenerates 30 each hour. Our economy is villagers at /warp shop. Map size is 2kx2k (will increase with more amount of players joining. Custom spawn plugin which allows you to upgrade spawners xp drop per mob as well as spawnrate. Server has 3 donor ranks starting at $10 Please come and enjoy the community
