Favicon daemoniacraft.mc-dns.net Offline

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IP Address daemoniacraft.mc-dns.net
Connection Port 25565
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Server Owner Olly Reed
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://ldm.enjin.com/
Uptime 99%

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[b]DaemoniaCraft[b] - The hybrid of a Towny and an RPG game Here on DaemoniaCraft we believe that offering more than just one thing is a key part to a server. Sure towny is fun! Build your town, get allies, create mega structures and go to war... but have you ever wanted more? In DaemoniaCraft we also offer an RPG system like no other! Pick your class (Warrior, Paladin, Mage, Ranger, Thief) each with their own unique skills and equipment. Travel solo or as a group and take on challenging quests and complete a range of dangerous dungeons with custom mobs and bosses in each. Progress through the in game rank system to achieve great perks normally only reserved for donators on other servers With keep inventory turned on (for non pvp deaths) you'll never lose your favourite pickaxe to a fall ever again! With optional pvp you'll never feel uncomfortable when a certain warlord comes knocking on your town gates This server supports all versions from 1.9 up
