Favicon unitedwecraft.3xpl0itz.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address unitedwecraft.3xpl0itz.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Dominic Feliton
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Hi there, and welcome to UnitedWeCraft! UnitedWeCraft was originally a 1.12 factions server about 3-4 years ago. A few years later, we can safely say that we are back and better than ever before, featuring 1.16.4 survival! Specs: 10GB DDR4 | 3900X @ 3.80GHz | Based in Los Angeles, California | 24/7 Uptime | Gigabit Network Our rules: 1. No spamming/advertising; minor swearing is allowed, but generally keep it to a minimum (anything targeted against a person's ethnicity, race, etc. can result in a mute.) 2. No modded/hacked clients. However, clients that do not give you an unfair advantage such as Optifine are allowed. If you have to ask, it probably isn't ;). 3. No impersonation. Generally don't ask for staff, although we do plan to open up applications soon! :) 4. Generally, the age limit of this server is 15+. We do not enforce any ways to verify this nor are we extremely strict on it, but getting on the nerves of the community can result in a ban. 5. Our overworld border is 35k, the nether border is 15k, and the end border is 10k. These will be expanded/updated based on major MC update releases and your feedback! Some of the additional features we offer include: - Supporting Bedrock and Java Edition Clients! (GeyserMC) - Scheduled Boss Battles Battle our easy, medium, and hard bosses - Thunderstorm Chests Find awesome loot in the middle of a rainy day! - Grief Protection Protect your creations so that they're not griefed. - Network-wide Parties Make temporary, server-recognized groups with your friends! - mcMMO Classic mcMMO! However, leveling is slower to avoid easy grinding. - Protected, Purchasable Plots Got money to spend? Use it on a plot that you pay for monthly; you have a protected plot of land inside spawn that has chestshops enabled! :) - Auctions Got something valuable? Put it on the auction house! - Bounties Put bounties on your enemies; let others kill them for cash! - Clans Make a long-lasting group with features such as a clanbase :). - Anti-P2W None of our ranks are P2W! And so, so much more. Discord: discord.gg/z2WuxfdMDn We hope you enjoy your stay at UnitedWeCraft!
