Favicon play.zaunmc.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.zaunmc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Nathan Blore
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://www.zaunmc.com
Uptime 99%

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ZaunMC Welcome to ZaunMC - we are a friendly unique Factions server with lots of cool plugins. We have a brand newmap released 4th December 2020. Features: - Factions - TNT/Explosions are disabled (this encourages unique raiding, such as overclaiming or betrayal to raid factions. It also helps stop people from building ugly Obsidian covered bases. - MobArena - Pvp Arena - Casino - The End opens every Friday at 7pm UK time with a new world and a new Dragon. Factions can battle it out every weekend for the unique server trophy of the Dragon Egg. This is the most valuable item on the server and shows a Faction's worth should they have any of these. We are also looking for Staff as we are building a brand new server so check us out!
