Favicon electrictermite.serverminer.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address electrictermite.serverminer.com
Connection Port 28214
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Awe Surfer
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Are you tired of joining new servers only to be overwhelmed by the numerous plugins and extra features. Do you wish for the good old days where Minecraft servers were about a community of players enjoying the game. Then look no further, The Electric Termite is the server for you! We are a new server ran by two brothers. The goal of our server is to create a fun community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft. We are a survival world with only one rule, have fun. Yes, that's right, only one rule. No need to worry about your language being filtered or getting in to trouble for PVPing another player. This is a game of survival, come check us out if your up to the challenge of surviving against other players and in the wild. We have invested our time to add plugins that add to the game that make it more enjoyable without going over the top. We have the essentials, along with an item shop and kits to get you started. Our team of staff/owners is friendly and exciting to help you out however they can. Don't forget to vote for our server to receive crate bonuses. We are always open to suggestions. If there is a feature that you would like added, please feel free to use our in-game suggestion box and we will look into adding it for you.
