Favicon PodCraft.org Offline

Status Offline
IP Address PodCraft.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner riley lawson
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Links: Discord - https://discord.gg/mpCzFkVd Website - PodCraft.org ip - PodCraft.org Are you looking for a crazy innovative server on top of new trends? A server that is fully put together and doesn't have bugs? Super active with a large community? Family friendly - no swearing allowed? You're looking in the wrong place.... Here at PodCraft we're stuck in our ways and it's basically 2011 What we do have: mcMMO a Discord to ingame relay Shops Economy Land claims A live map on our website A ranking system based on playtime that nets you extra ingame abilities A very unique community of people you won't find anywhere else Rules: Our rules are very simple and straight forward - if you can abide by them then you can do what you want for the most part :) No griefing(even unclaimed blocks). No spamming(We don't care what is said in chat as long as it's not spam) No exploiting/hacking(No hacked clients, taking advantage of game bugs such as duping, etc) Come join us in our ever growing communit of Peas! *PodCraft is still in its early days and we are still doing a lot of setup.
