Favicon hertzner.hiddensanctuary.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address hertzner.hiddensanctuary.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Patrick Geurts
Votes 3
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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IP: hertzner.hiddensanctuary.net Discord: discord.gg/vkThP2V Hidden Sanctuary is 1.16.5 SMP like you have never experienced it before. By staying true to the nature of the game, but adding and subtracting many rules we aim to create something unique. For example all commands you would usually find on minecraft servers are all implemented in custom items. We believe typing commands break the immersion of the game. Delve into the most immersive community driven experience. Gameplay can be put to words, but it is better to experience it first hand. Trying us out is free of charge, and we will provide you a warm welcome!

