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Status Online
IP Address play.realisticworld.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Mr_Corn_
Votes 569
Country United States US
Servers Website https://realisticworld.net
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 123
Server Version Paper 1.20.4
Ping 15ms
Uptime 99%

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Welcome! Are you looking for a survival server that can provide you with a realistic survival experience? RealisticWorld is where you want to go! We try our best to mimic a real-life survival experience. You have everything from an energy and thirst system to changing seasons with temperatures. RealisticWorld has also implemented features that make the environment around us realistic such as fully custom biomes, caves, structures, dimensions, and more! We also host a brand new payout event each month that rewards top players with payouts! RealisticWorld is available on Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions. We hope to see you there!

Java/Bedrock IP: play.realisticworld.net
Java Port: 25565
Bedrock Port: 19132
Version: 1.8.8 - 1.18.2
Website: http://realisticworld.net
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T2KTkCsN65
Join our discord server for more info!
RealisticWorld is packed with tons of features! Some of our features include:

🌎 Realistic Earth-Like Experience
🌎 Custom Biomes and Structures
🌎 Monthly Event Payout
🌎 Bedrock Compatible
🌎 Seasons and Temperature
🌎 Skills and Attributes System
🌎 400+ Unique Quests and Jobs
🌎 300+ Custom Recipes and Items
🌎 200+ Custom Mobs and Enchantments
🌎 Grief Prevention Menu and Chest Lock
🌎 In-game Music Soundtrack
🌎 Custom Dimensions
🌎 Player Warps and Homes
🌎 Collections and Monster Book
🌎 DiscordSRV and Dynmap
🌎 Banks and Dynamic Shops
🌎 Party System and Trades
🌎 Emojis and Emotes!
🌎 Tons of exciting features that aren’t listed up here!

RealisticWorld is here to provide you with a friendly atmosphere where you can play, explore and have an incredible gaming experience with each other! We hope to see you there!

