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IP Address play.myinstacraft.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Liam
Votes 1
Country United States US
Online Players 11
Maximum Online Players 64
MOTD InstaCraft Survival | Simple | 24/7 | 1.21 |
Server Version Pufferfish 1.21.3
Ping 30ms
Uptime 100%

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InstaCraft is a friendly PvE, "mostly" vanilla Minecraft server started on 3/3/20. Unlike most servers, we have no land-claim system(make a report when you're griefed, and staff will ban/roll back the damage). We strive to keep the nostalgic vanilla minecraft experience. The few plugins added are there to help increase player to player interaction.(AuctionHouse, PlayerShops, Mobhunt) Also, All of our ranks are balanced, and go directly against hosting a pay-to-win environment. We would love to have any player join us who will be a positive contribution to the community.
