Favicon play.aquaticraft.me Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.aquaticraft.me
Connection Port 25565
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Category Minigames
Server Owner GamingDestiny
Votes 4
Country United States US
Servers Website https://aquaticraft.ml
Uptime 99%

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The AquatiCraft Network provides one of a kind experiences like no other. Chose from a variety of games, such as KitBattle (KitPVP), SkyMania (Skyblock), and more! KitBattle: Choose between numerous kits using the kit selector. Each kit has a special ability. You can unlock more kits by buying them at the shop or using a Kit Unlocker, which can be obtained by Ranking up SkyMania: You can build your island, fight mobs, finish quests, kill bosses, and much, much more. Play alone or with your friends and start your adventure! We strive to make sure that everyone has the best experience possible! Join our discord server and find others to enjoy AquatiCraft with, or just hang out and chat with us! We hope to see you soon and enjoy your stay on the AquatiCraft Network! Discord: aquaticord.ml

