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Status Offline
IP Address playoldschool.eu
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner JoelZz
Votes 1
Country Finland FI
Uptime 99%

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Server ip - playoldschool.eu
Version - 1.14.4
Gamemode: Survival/creative
Difficulty: Normal

Welcome to Old School! Our server is finally up and running for all to enjoy. Featuring Creative, Survival, Shops and much more.! Players will experience an amazing rewards system with is adapted to give players a sense of achievement for showing support. We are constantly updating and adding features so everyone will have new and exciting things to do. We are dedicated to providing the best experience we can and are always making sure that players are having a fun and exciting experience!


1. Golden shovel claiming
2. Shops
3. Different worlds
4.Starter kit
5.Vote rewards
9. SilkSpawners
