Favicon rlcraft.viseriongaming.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address rlcraft.viseriongaming.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner kenneth lawhorne
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website http://viseriongaming.com
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Viserion Gaming! to those of you who are new, we're very happy to have you. Here's a bit about what we're about here at Viserion Gaming.We are currently hosting a RLCraft server for Minecraft 1.12.2.Our RLCraft server is downloadable on the Twitch Launcher.The server is currently running 2.8.1 which should be the current mod pack out for general use.We have a discord. This is a great way to get in touch with the community, and if you need help, to reach out to a staff member!https://discord.gg/fnkdewM is the link! we hope you'll join us.Viserion Gaming is currently hiring staff for out RLCraft Minecraft server.You can apply on the website under the "Staff Applications" page.Until this process is up and running, our Owner AzureFlames is accepting staff applications on the discord instead.Now for some of the benefits of choosing Viserion Gaming, and our hosted servers:24/7 hosting. Our uptime is close to constant, with a restart every 4 hours.Grief Prevention is in place to secure your hard work and to make sure that others cannot harm your play quality.. unless you want them to. :)We are not held responsible for anything that someone you have trusted to your claim does. You made the choice to trust them, so you agreed to give them that power. SorryWe sincerely hope that you'll have fun, and enjoy our community. we look forward to you joining us!
